The Thing I Wish I Knew: Adela Garcia November 23, 2012November 28, 2012Articles, Videos SHARE Facebook Twitter Pinterest With seven Fitness Olympia wins, Adela Garcia is the most decorated Fitness competitor in the history of the IFBB – but even she needed some help along the way. Here, Garcia talks about something she wishes she knew when she first started out.
February 18, 2018IFBB Bikini Pro Romina Basualdo Outtakes From 2018 J.M Manion ShootIFBB Bikini Pro Romina Basualdo Outtakes From 2018 J.M Manion Shoot. Romina is in prep for the 2018 Arnold Bikini. Filmed …
May 5, 20142014 NPC Pittsburgh Championships Prejudging Photos are LiveThe 2014 NPC Pittsburgh Championships Prejudging Photos are Live.. Click here to see them..
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